Friday, 11 March 2022

4 Golden Tips for Qualifying SET Examination

Every student dreams to pursue an under-graduation course from the A-listed colleges of India. The colleges that come under the Symbiosis Group of institutes are considered the top-ranking institutes for pursuing higher studies in Management, Engineering, Law, and various other disciplines.

If you are willing to pursue a bachelor's program offered by the institute for this year, you must clear Symbiosis Entrance Test 2022. 


What is SET, and what is the purpose of conducting it?

SET stands for Symbiosis Entrance Test. Every year Symbiosis Deemed group of (International Universities) conduct SET to shortlist the eligible candidates who aspire to study in Symbiosis Group of Colleges. The main objective of the test is to evaluate the essential merit of the applicants willing to study in the Symbiosis Group of institutes. It is essential to consider adequate preparations before appearing for the entrance test. 


If you are willing to clear the entrance test in a limited attempt, you may find some of these pro tips useful.


How to Crack SET Examination? 

Know the exam pattern first

It is essential to know the examination pattern first before appearing for the entrance. Once you are familiar with the exam pattern, it will be easier for you to frame your preparation list. If it is the first time you appear, browse the last few years' model question papers. It will enrich your idea about the types of questions asked at the entrance. That can be an added leverage while preparing for the SET examination.


Learn to manage your time

Time management is an essential skill that you will need to crack SET. That's

 Because every applicant has limited time to complete the 4 individual sections in SET. The number of questions in the whole set is 60. Amongst those questions, you should know which the most scoring section is. Try to finish those sections with zero error. Once you are done, then you can find ample time to brainstorm on the difficult sections. This will increase your chances to clear the test within a minimum attempt.


Practice as much as you can 

Never ignore the importance of practicing before exams.  It is believed that practice leads to perfection. That is why, once you complete the whole set, check the time and the accuracy you have met. Note the time you took to finish the whole paper. Try to reduce the time while solving the next practice set without compromising accuracy. It will eventually raise your accuracy score in the actual examination.


Start preparing for the examination early

It is essential to start your preparations early if you are willing to clear the test in a limited attempt. You can take an expert's guidance to prepare yourself for SET. That might help you to clear the entrance test in a limited attempt.



Before submitting the SET/SLAT application form 2022 online, always consider all of these golden tips shared above. It will always increase your chances to clear the admission test conducted by Symbiosis Group of Institutes in limited attempts.


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